Saturday, July 16, 2011

Delicious New project

I'm a little behind the eight ball with mobile apps... Just found out that I have blogpress on my iPhone!

So here's to the start of more Instagram piccies!

It was pay week this week (yippee!) and I decided to reward myself with a trip to the uber delicious (but rather exy) Morris & Sons Tapestry Crafts shop on Sydney's Clarence Street. There has been a beautiful crochet blanket on display there which I had been eyeing for aaaggeeeesss but haven't been able to afford making, as the beauty of the blanket lies in the beautifully soft Morris & Son's own branded bamboo & Merino "Paddington" wool, which is $11.50 a ball.

This week I succumbed...

I only bought half the wool required to make the blanket (which already wiped my whole week's budget... Eek!), but after just one evening crocheting the soft tinselly wool into granny squares, I was in crafting bliss.

(Blanket progress reports to come.)

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