Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dear Reader... this is my gift to you.

Two posts ago, I mentioned my book project. Ten hand bound red books which will be individually customized to their owners. Their name block pressed in gold on the front.

I had planned to sell them on Etsy. As a test to see whether anyone would buy my wares. But as I was sewing the books this afternoon, I came to a realization... I don't want to sell them. I don't need to. (well, not at this point anyways.)

What I mean is that I already have a job that pays the bills. True, I've been trying to escape from the corporate world but until I do, I want to make things to give, not to sell.

So this is my gift to you dear reader. Leave me a message or email me or sms me (for those of you who have my number) and I will post you a customized book. I am going to make 10 books to give away. As I can only go to the bindery every fortnight, it may take me a while to finish them. But I promise that it will get to you wherever you are in the world. And no, you will not have to pay for postage.

For those of you who receive my gift, all I ask is that you go out and give to a stranger today. Give or help someone who can't give back. Hopefully, like me, you'll realize that the rewards of giving are much better than trading.

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