Friday, May 27, 2011

Learning Lace Making - Day 1

So last night after date night dinner at New Shang hai (where we had the most indulgent prawns EVER. They were deep fried in salted egg yolk... Hello High Cholesterol!), I came home and officially started my lace making journey.

After three hours of pricking, sticking and winding, I finished up with these...

... and that's as far as I got! Didn't even get to start loading them onto the pillow!

So I'm beginning to see that this learning process is going to be a long and arduous one, but I am DETERMINED to become a Lace Making Master (... ok, maybe not master. Amateur? Novice? Greenhorn?).

I am DETERMINED to persevere. (That'll do for now.)

This is just going to be a quickie post as today is the big day! I'm finally going under the knife (well, laser in this case) and bidding farewell to my goggles forever. Tomorrow, I will be able to wake up and SEE without spectacles! A very big moment which I celebrated with a big breakfast this morning (so the valium they're going to need to knock me out with, will take).

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