Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Corporate Craftie

Suited up by day, tangled in wool and threads by night, I, the Corporate Craftie, dream about the day I can quit my day job to pursue a career crocheting granny squares.

I dream about owning a successful Etsy store, spending the days sipping hot tea and plodding around in slouchy pyjama pants. I dream about days trawling through craft blogs, planning masterpiece creative projects and photo documenting my days on my old and trusty Digital SLR. I fantasize about the day i am able to drop the "Corporate" in my moniker and be a free creative soul with flexible working hours, living on a reasonable wage...But alas, it's the later that stops me from taking the plunge.

Corporate life, as tough, ruthless and (at times) unbearable as it is, provides me with the one thing that a career as a straight "Craftie" does not - financial freedom. The freedom to buy expensive wool, to blindly sign up to creative classes, to dabble in new crafts and to spend a small fortune on handmade goodies. Crafting is a passion as oppose to a means to put food on the table. Crafting is an escape.

After reading about the closing down of 'Notions', a small crafting business from Hobart, the reality hit me like an express train. That the grass may not be greener on the other side. (http://notionshandmade.blogspot.com/2011/05/decision-time.html) In the same week, I also read about the dilemmas that 'Ink and Spindle', one of the most inspirational craft businesses in Australia, were having with design fraud. (http://inkandspindle.blogspot.com/2011/05/this-is-what-you-get-when-you-mess-with.html)

These blog posts have had me shirk back into my corporate nook. 

So I've decided to start this blog. A blog to document my search for balance, a resolve, a bridge between my double life as a corporate lemming by day and the crafty artisan at night. 

My name is Jacki. I am the Corporate Craftie. 

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