Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Break - Day 2

Four glorious days of annual leave, coupled with the Easter long weekend, means 10 work free, staff free, stress free days of nothing but me! Yes, my long awaited Easter Staycation has finally come. 

Today is Sunday, day two of my break. Yesterday, I went back to the Hills and spent some time with my mum and dad. I love going back to the Hills. It's my safe haven. My rejuvenation sanctuary. My Matrix reset. Whenever I go back, I get reminded of all the things that are important in life. Family. Nature. Me. Have to endeavor to go back more often...

I know people have mixed thoughts about To-Do Lists on holidays, but there's just so much I haven't had a chance to do, I've had to write it all down. Last night, I organised the printing of my wedding thank you cards (yes, six months late but better late than never!) and today, I finished picking out pictures for the wedding album. Tick! Tick! Two things struck off the list.

One of the things I promised myself that I will NOT do, is think about work over the next ten days. So far it's been pretty good... barr the occasional moments when my subconscious though drifts. However, without work consuming the majority of my thoughts, it's surprised me how little I have to do. I've suddenly discovered all these pockets of spare time simply because my mind hasn't been running on work overdrive.

So I've decided to put these pockets of spare time into good use. There are all these things I have always wanted to learn, but I've never had the time to. So I'm picking three simple things, and I'm going to endeavor to do them every day -

1) Draw something - whether it is a masterpiece or a little doodle, I'm going to draw something every day. I was a great drawer as a kid and I loved it. But somewhere along the way, I stopped and now I can barely muster stick figures. I'm going to start again. Whether it be just penning a doodle or tracing a picture, I'm going to pick up a pencil and draw.

2) Practice Wolf Whistling (in the shower) - I've ALWAYS wanted to be able to hail a cab with a whistle! This needs to be practiced in the shower as my attempts have always lead to sprays and showers of spittle.

3) Learn Chinese - My Chinese is really bad and it annoys me that when I go back to Hong Kong, I can't even read a menu. So I'm going to learn one Honkie Menu item every day. MP and I have an Asian holiday planned in May so hopefully, I would have a few dozen dishes up my sleeve by then.

And that's my plan.

We'll see how it goes...

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