My thoughts usually swing around like a pendulum. Back and forth, oscillating about the equilibrium that is home, family and MP.
It was something my darling sister said the other day that made me realize that my pendulum might be a little stuck...
"All you do is talk about work!"
Is it true? Have I made my work my life.
There are 168 hours each week and I spend 45 hours physically at work. But the amount of thinking time I actually dedicate to work Is probably around the 15 hour a day mark... That's a little OTT. What I need is something else to dedicate my thoughts to. You'd think an impending wedding would do the trick but no. My brain needs something more.
So I have an idea. A fun idea. A fun BUSINESS idea. (Hey, the acorn can't stray too far from the tree.) At this stage, it's a one hit execution which will either flourish or burn. But that doesn't really matter. The process is what excites me. The path will be filled with so many landmines but I HAVE TO make it happen. And I have given myself a deadline. Easter 2012. Tomorrow I will take one week's leave during Easter which is equivalent of me signing on the bottom line. Don't even know whether I have enough leave...
But screw it. Just going to do it.
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