So it's Monday night. The long weekend just BLITZED by and sadly, I didn't get my lace edging done AND I didn't finish my baby blanket.
I did however, blow a heap of money at the sales...
Darn you Fleur Wood with your awesomely fabulous clothing! Darn you Cue for having 50% off!
Yesterday, after my productive trip to the bindery where I prepped three books up to the book fabric mounting stage, I took a trip to town to return a pair of shoes for MP. What was meant to be a quick trip to DJs ended up being a 3 hour shopping trip, and I walked away with a new dress and two jumpers... two items of which I ended up returning today! (Darn impulse purchases!)
Then today, the vicious bargain hunter within me lurched from hibernation as I trekked to two shopping centres hunting down sales. Today's loot culminated in a jacket I've wanted for the past two months (but it has been too expensive to buy), a new skirt which was not on sale (It was just too fabulous to put down!), two tops which would probably be inappropriate for the awfully chilly weather currently looming over Sydney, and a Gant jumper for MP.
Yep, the damage was bad.
But all in all, it was an eventful weekend. I am disappointed that I didn't get a start on the lace edging but next weekend will be my big lace weekend. No buts. I've got to get back into it before I forget all my crosses and twists (lace lingo). I just can't believe how quickly the weekend went by. No doubts, the working week will blitz by and before you know it, it'll be Saturday again.
Already counting down sleeps and this weekend isn't even over yet...
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