Monday, September 19, 2011

4 weeks to go

Only four more weeks till the wedding! Things are slowly coming together. Last week we picked up our wedding bands, confirmed our vintage Jag, finalised our wedding service booklets and went through all our RSVPs. The overly ambitious shoe project is also coming together (slowly). Half a shoe has been strassed and I have to say, it's looking pretty fabulous.

Still so much to do. Need to buy vases, make the wedding book, teeth cleaning... Aiyayay.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A momentous event

Tomorrow is a big day. A new pinnacle moment in my career. I am going to be bold and put an idea out there which defies years of convention. The dominoes are all in place... I've just got to knock down the first tile.

I stumbled upon the following quote tonight which is very befitting of the occasion -

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchang ing a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone for ever; in its place is some thing that you have left behind…let it be some thing good." -Author Unknown.

Wish me luck.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Final score...

We were home... Bummer.

It was such a nail biting game! The Emperors played really well and they were truly robbed of victory... the Bears played so dirty!

But I was SO proud of MP. He really got in there and ruffed things up. There's also something about him in his hockey gear. The shoulder pads doubles his size, his skates adds 9 inches to his 6" frame, and he suffers from the opposite of Helmet Head... such a cutie. *cheeky grin*

To celebrate his silver medal, we feasted like Kings at Al'aseels. Yum!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Freezing for love

It's been a while between posts but right now, although it's a beaming Sydney afternoon, I'm sitting here bundled up in a polar fleece hoodie, woolly scarf and beanie, typing away as I await the start of the Sydney Ice Hockey Senior Threes Grand Finals between the Norwest Emperors and the Blacktown Bears.

The things we do for love...

MP joined the Emperors three years ago. He was the shy lanky Asian dude amongst a barrage of big, beefy Westies... Now he's captain of the Senior Threes and the team are like his second family. Please let them win!

This game aside, it's been a great weekend. We did a last minute sign up to a pre-marriage course (All: "Say WHAAT..?") which we thought would be a bit of a joke and just something to appease my mother, but it ended up being quite enlightening! I actually walked away with some newfound insight into MP's views on issues which we may or may not encounter. For example, did you know that one in six couples experience infertility in Australia? What would happen if one of us was infertile? Would I feel the same about having a baby through a surrogate which only had one set of our DNA as the other person was deemed infertile?

Riveting Stuff...

Ooh.. Game's starting. Will continue post later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Special chicken pho... Yum!

Lunch today.

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"We have to bring back the fun"

That was a comment from a good friend of mine who like me, is feeling a little bruised and battered by the hustle and bustle of life these days. Things have just stopped being fun. Life is blitzing by at a rapid pace and we're not doing the things we enjoy doing. What's worst, we're doing things that we dread. We all have responsibilities. I get that. Bills need to be paid and food needs to be put on the table. But surely, we can achieve those things without the drudgery that has become the working life. Waking up and DREADING the day ahead? That's not how life should be...
MP keeps telling me that it's just a state of mind and when I'm actually going through it, it's not so bad. That's partly true. I've also been told that I need to grow a thicker skin. That's true too. But right now, my skin is paper thin and there are some events I am experiencing which are just bad. Period.
Well... The buck stops here.  Bring back the FUN. Starting with lunch. Yes it's only 11:24am but I'm ravenous so I'm going to eat NOW. And no more crappy work cafeteria food. I'm busting out. Going to get me some Vietnamese Pho. Yum.
*sigh* Ok. I feel better.